Sunday, November 16, 2008

No More Holy "Men"!!! God isn't a human, Truth is God.

Thank, you know. TRUTH IS GOD. Not a person, not a male, or a white guy, or a man in the clouds, or a crosslegged bald guy in Asia, or a warring persian prophet. No person is god.  TRUTH IS GOD. Only infants antrhopomorphize god into something which looks like them.  Children dont like clouds unless you draw a smiley face on them.  Put a smiley face on anything and kids will like it better. But adults do this to god by casting god as a homo sapien. Its ridiculous. My amigos at our denver recording studio will agree. The Alaydian website is web 1.0, but who cares.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Prayer Answered

I am a Denver Business Lawyer and I run a Noise Reduction lab and Audio forensic lab.  When I discovered that Truth is God, it became easy to pray, and my prayers became effective.  Praying to Truth means aksing help from Truth, or from your own knowledge of it, and that requires thinking about your problems very deeply.  Thus, Alaydian prayers are prayers to ones' own intellect for help. This tends to solve problems.  Alaydian prayers create self reliance and self improvement. They work, unlike the prayers of other religions, which destroy self-reliance and foster ignorance and superstition.

Best New Religion

I hated religion until I found Alaydianity.  I never liked churches, priests, moralists, rituals, donations or any of the other formal aspects of religion.  I thought I was simply an antheist, or perhaps agnostic. Then I discovered Alaydianity, and I realized that all other religions had gotten it wrong, that Truth is God, and from that insight flows a religion which is perfect and pristine, free from the idiocies of the other religions.  I am now a devout alaydian and I always will be.